Comments are a great way to start a dialogue about important issues and to interact with one another. I encourage you to engage in the conversation. If you wish to leave a comment please be aware that what is written online can be read by anyone. Here are some common-sense rules for your active and respectful participation:

1. Your comments represent your personal opinion and point of view. Take ownership of your thoughts and sign your comment using your first name. Comments you are not willing to associate yourself with have no place in this forum. There is a difference between protecting your digital privacy and hiding behind anonymity.

2. A wholesome and respectful exchange of opinions is encouraged. Discriminatory, vulgar, violent, baiting and generally offensive comments will not be tolerated. Real people with real feelings are reading your words so please think before you type.

3. Comments that contain publicity or are commercially motivated will be removed.

The purpose of commenting is to connect. It is to share, to explore, to push one another to be the best version of ourselves. I hope these few guidelines make that process easier.

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